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shoutouts to my best friends
becky~hey ya big kook. so whats up chicka? becky i love u so much. u are like the sister i have never had. ur also my twin and don't forget, thanx for everything. u have always been there for me since day one. i just really wanna thankyou for being there for me through danny's death. i love u becky! BFF!!
cory~HEY BIG BRO!!! i saved u last cuz last is the best. i love u so much. thanx 4 always helping me out. ur such a wonderful guy. remember u'll always be number two in other peoples hearts, but u'll always be number one in mine (tehe) i love u so much cory. BIG BRO AND LIL SIS 4EVER!!!

more shoutouts
brock~hey sweets! what going on? brock ur such a wonderful guy. i love hanging with u and just being with u. i think ur a really sewwt, cute, kinda, just a wonderful guy. i love u brock!
bryan~whats up my favorite hart boy!your a great guy and a WAY better friend. your so sweet and you have always been there for me. love ya bryan! *muah*
jamie~hey babe! ur suck a cool girl. i luv u jamie!! ctr baby
danny~hey sweetie. well ur such a funny guy. i'm so glad that we met. thanx for always being there for me. u have never made me cry and i love that. i love how ur so sweet and u always care about ur friends. i luv u!!
nick~ur such a qt. nick even though we have been in some fights i want u to know that i love u. u such a cool guy and fun to be with. nick never change k. luv u!!
emmy~hey sexy!! emmy i'm so glad that were friends. ur such a fun gurl to be with. stay sweet. i don't want u to change at all. i love u emmy!!
nate~hey qt! well thanx for always cheering me up. u were so quiet when we first met but now look ur always talking. nate ur such a great guy. stay sweet nate. i love u!!
kim~hey kimmie! i'm so glad that were becoming better friends. ur so great. i luv ya!!
justin~man justin u get all the gurls. i'm so jealous. wait y am i jealous i'm a gurl? lol well ne ways ur a very sweet guy. i luv ya justin!!
david~hey babe! ur such a funny guy. i love hanging w/ u. stay hott and ur so sweet. i love ya so much.
mike~hey buddy. i hope we'll be friends again. i think we will cuz now were starting to hang out again. ur a sweet guy and also hott. stay the way u r!
amiee~i miss u so much. i miss hanging with u at yosemite. that was the best year ever. remember when we chased those hot guys ever where and then we found out that they were weird? hey at least the were hot. remember when one of them feel out of their seat when we were eating pizza? lol man r the dumb. i miss watching elliot falling into ditches and runing into tress and the walls. amiee i miss u so much. kip i love u!
elliot~man i also miss u. i never told u this but ur a hot guy. i miss u falling into ditches and running into the walls and trees. elliot ur such a great guy. i love u!
jena~i can't wait till refguio. eveytime i'm with u it's so much fun. i miss u so much gurl. we always know how to have fun. remember last year we met those 3 weird guys? how about the year 2000 whe we met peter,ryan,and robbie? man now that was the best year. i remember both of us thought peter was so hot. jena i miss u so much. i luv u!!
ryan~of course i would never forget u. ryan that year at refguio was the best with u peter,jena,and robbie. ur so kewl. i'm so happy that we still talk on the phone. i miss u ryan. u have to keep in touch with me. i luv u!!